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Reviewer: International Conferences

❖ International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Technology (ICETET-10.), GHRCE, Nagpur.

❖ IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Technology (ICETET-11.), GHRCE, Nagpur.

❖ International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Technology (ICETET-12.), GHRCE, Nagpur.

❖ International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Technology on information security and Analytics (ICETET-ISA-18.), GHRCE, Nagpur.

❖ Immersive Learning Research Network 2020.

❖ 2020 11th IEEE Control & System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC 2020).

❖ International conference MLIS2020, to be held from October 25 to 28, 2020 in Seoul, Republic of Korea.

Reviewer on

International Conferences

❖ Machine Intelligence & Data Science Application 2020.

❖ IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI).

❖ Journal on Computer Science and Information Technologies.

National Conferences

❖ National Conference on Innovative Paradigms in Engineering & Technology NCIPET-2012, S.B.Jain Institute of Technology, Management & Research, Nagpur.

❖ National Conference NCERT, GHRCE -12

Books Published

“Data mining in cyber forensics: A Systematic Approach” by scholars’ press. Available on Amazon & Morebooks.

Publication Details

S.M.Nirkhi, Dr.R.V.Dharaskar and Dr.V.M.Thakare. "Data Mining : A Prospective Approach for
Digital Forensics," International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process, vol. 2, no. 6 pp. 41-48, 2012.

S. M. Nirkhi, Dr.R.V.Dharaskar and Dr.V.M.Thakare, ”Comparative study of Authorship Identification Techniques for cyber forensics Analysis”, International Journal of advanced Computer Science and Applications.(IJCA), Vol.4,No.5,2013 pp.32-35.

S. M. Nirkhi, Dr.R.V.Dharaskar and Dr.V.M.Thakare,” Stylometric Approach for Author Identification of online messages”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol.5, Issue.5, 2014 pp.6158-59.

S. M. Nirkhi, Dr.R.V.Dharaskar and Dr.V.M.Thakare,” Authorship Identification in Digital Forensics using Machine Learning Approach”, International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJLTET),Vol. 5 Issue 1 January 2015,ISSN: 2278-621X Pp-369-372.

Smita Nirkhi, Dr.R.V.Dharaskar and Dr.V.M.Thakare,” Authorship Identification using Generalized Features and Analysis of Computational Method”, Transactions on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Volume 3 No 2 April (2015); pp: 41-45.

Sobiya R. Khan, Smita M Nirkhi, Dr. R.V. Dharaskar,” Mining E-mail Content for Cyber Forensic Investigation”, UACEE International Journal of Computer Science and its Applications,. Aug 2012, Vol. 2, Issue-2, pp.112-116

Sobiya R Khan, Smita M Nirkhi, Dr.R.V. Dharaskar,” Author Identification for E-mail Forensic”, IJCA Proceedings on National Conference on Recent Trends in Computing, 12 May 2012, Foundation of Computer Science (FCS)29-32.

Smita M Nirkhi ,”Evaluation of classifiers for detection of Authorship Attribution”, Computational pp 227-236

Smita M. Nirkhi, Dr.R. V. Dharaskar,Dr.V.M.Thakre, “Analysis Of Online Messages for identity tracing in Cybercrime Investigation”, Cyber Security, Cyber Warfare and Digital Forensic (CyberSec), 2012 International Conference on 26 th -28 th June,Malysia, IEEE-Explore 300-305.

Smita Nirkhi, Dr.R.V.Dharaskar and Dr.V.M.Thakare,” Authorship Attribution of online messages using Stylometry: An Exploratory Study”, International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology (ICAET'2014) March 29-30, 2014 Singapore, pp.254-257.

Smita M. Nirkhi, Potential use of artificial neural network in data mining, The 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering (ICCAE), 2010 26 Feb 2010, IEEE-Explore 339-343.

Sobiya R.Khan, Smita M. Nirkhi, Dr.R. V. Dharaskar “E-mail Mining for Cyber Crime Investigation” International Conference on Advances in Computer and Communication Technology, 18 February, 2012 pp.138-141, 17

Sobiya R.Khan, Smita M. Nirkhi, Dr.R. V. Dharaskar,” E-mail Data Analysis for Application to Cyber Forensic Investigation Using Data Mining “,National Conference on Innovative Paradigms in Engineering & Technology, NCIPET-2013

Google Scholar

All Since 2017
Citations 330 154
h-index 10 7
i10-index 12 5

Potential use of artificial neural network in data mining
S.M.Nirkhi, Dr.R.V.Dharaskar and Dr.V.M.Thakare. "Data Mining : A Prospective Approach for
With the enormous amount of data stored in files, databases, and other repositories, it is increasingly important, to develop powerful means for analysis and perhaps interpretation of such data and for the extraction of interesting knowledge that could help in decision-making.

Comparative study of authorship identification techniques for cyber forensics analysis
Authorship Identification techniques are used to identify the most appropriate author from group of potential suspects of online messages and find evidences to support the conclusion.

Authorship verification of online messages for forensic investigation
Online messaging provides a convenient and effective means of fast communication. Along with personal communication it is being used by organizations for official communication.

Data mining: A prospective approach for digital forensics
Data mining is part of the interdisciplinary field of knowledge discovery in databases. Research on data mining began in the 1980s and grew rapidly in the 1990s.

Analysis of online messages for identity tracing in cybercrime investigation
As individuals impart on the Web their sentiments on products and services they have used, it has become important to formulate methods of automatically classifying and judging them.

Feature extraction of product from customer feedback through blog
As individuals impart on the Web their sentiments on products and services they have used, it has become important to formulate methods of automatically classifying and judging them.

Detecting Intrusion on AODV based Mobile Ad Hoc Networks by k-means Clustering method of Data Mining.
MANET has no clear line of defense so, it is accessible to both legitimate network nodes and malicious nodes.

Visualization Techniques for Digital forensics: A Survey
Digital crimes is big problem due to large numbers of data access and insufficient attack analysis techniques so there is the need for improvements in existing digital forensics techniques.

E-mail data analysis for application to cyber forensic investigation using data mining
This paper discusses briefly the significance of e-mail communication in today’s world, how substantial e-mails are with respect to obtaining digital evidence.

Author identification for E-mail forensic
E-mail communication has become the need of the hour, with the advent of Internet. However, it is being abused for various illegitimate purposes, such as, spamming, drug trafficking, cyber bullying, phishing, racial vilification, child pornography, and sexual harassment, etc.

A Fuzzy approach for forensic analysis of DDoS attack in manet
Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) facilitates distributed wireless communication. The network is mobile and setting of connection is ad-hoc.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering
It does not prevent the first unsucessful execution of a path. It needs to carry too much information to make a good guess about the resume point, In this paper, we introduce an alternate mechanism for reducing the number of calls, The technique is based on look-ahead.

Stylometric approach for author identification of online messages
In the era of internet, the use of online blogs, forum, social network and email is very popular for communication.

Brain computer interface using EEG signals
This paper discusses briefly brain computer interface using EEG signals

A Survey on Clustering Algorithms for web Applications.
Web page clustering techniques categorize & organize search results into semantically meaningful clusters that assist users to search relevant information quickly.

A Review of Network Forensics Techniques for the Analysis of Web Based Attack
This paper discusses briefly Network Forensics Techniques for the Analysis of Web Based Attack

An experimental study on authorship identification for cyber forensics
Authorship Identification is subfield of authorship analysis deals with finding the plausible author of anonymous messages.

Authorship identification in digital forensics using machine learning approach
Digital Forensics research field has gained the supreme importance recently due to increase in digital crimes.

Comparative study of tomato crop disease detection system using deep learning techniques
Intelligent Communication Technologies and Virtual Mobile Networks: Proceedings of ICICV 2022